12 Jul 2022

In collaboration with ONCF and SNCF, IFF organised its first English-language webinar on the theme of “Railway safety” on Wednesday 6th July, mainly intended for the Philippine Railways Institute (PRI) collaborators and local railway operators.
Bringing together about 240 participants, this 2-hour virtual meeting was punctuated by high-quality ONCF / SNCF presentations.
In this sense, Marc FALCHI, expert in railway operations and trainer at IFF, presented the fundamental principles of safety management. His speech was followed by that of Meryem BERRAK, Head of the Regulation Department at ONCF, who described the application of the system at ONCF.
On the SNCF side, Guillaume FOEILLET, Safety Project Manager, highlighted the implementation of a safety culture within the SNCF group.
The deployment of this culture within ONCF was also part of the different points dealt with during this webinar and was presented by Taha GOUNAYA, Traffic Inspection Supervisor.
The webinar ended after a question & answer session with the different participants who took part in the event.
With a satisfaction rate of 88%, the webinar was widely appreciated.

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