21 Dec 2022

On Wednesday December 14th, IFF organized it’s second English speaking webinar on the topic of Railway maintenance.
Moderated by Ms Randa BOUHLAL, this event hosted nearly 200 participants coming mainly from The Philippine Railways Institute, various railway operators and railway lines in the Philippines but also from Morocco and France.
The 2-hours lasting webinar was interspersed with high-quality presentations, in addition to two QA sessions with the participants allowing for an exchange of experience and knowledge with experts:
- Mr Cyril VERDUN, Director of the Maintenance Engineering Department presented 2 contributions shedding light on the generalities of SNCF equipments within the rolling stock department and the implementation of predictive maintenance ;
- Mr Abdelkarim MOUFADI, Production and Customer Manager brought the participants closer to the ONCF Rolling Stock maintenance policy model and specifities and to the different Technical levels of maintenance as set by ONCF.
- Mr Abdelhalim NACIRI, Performance and Projects Director, introduced the Digital maintenance services at SIANA and gave an overview of the Indusrial Excellence Program ITKANE.
- On the filipino side, Mr Rizaldy FARINAS, Officer-in-Charge, Engineering Division at the Light Rail Transit Authority (Philippines) provided an insight into the different operators, railway lines and the types of maintenance of the Philippine rolling stock fleet.

With an overall score of 8.8, the webinar was unanimously appreciated by all participants, as indicated by their comments:
« It fulfilled my expectations as a Railway personnel because those insights given by the speakers will be of great help in performing the maintenance in the rolling stocks. »
« Excellent. Everybody is very interested and eager to learn new RS regimen from the expert. »
« I learned a lot in these very comprehensive presentations on how RSK Predictive Maintenance benefited the company by reducing downtime service of the fleet. »
“The webinar was productive and very organized”
« Excellent animation ».
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