29 Apr 2024

On 24 April, in collaboration with ONCF and SNCF, IFF & PRI organised their fourth webinar on the theme ” Role of #railway in large scale events”.
Co-moderated by Randa BOUHLAL (Morocco) and Eisen Goco (Philippines), this event brought together over a hundred participants for a virtual exchange lasting an hour and a half, punctuated by high-quality ONCF / SNCF / Manila Rail Metro 3 presentations.

Francois Hicter, Director of Major Events at SNCF Voyageurs, spoke about how SNCF prepared for the Rugby World Cup and is preparing for the next Olympic Games.

His presentation was followed by that of Nacera BECHARI , Head Of Marketing Department at ONCF, who presented The special arrangements and measures deployed by ONCF during periods of high Traffic.

Last presentation discussed the topic of “The Intersection of Railway Logistics and Key Milestones Shaping Metro Rail Transit-3 in the Philippines, “by Mrss ESPEJO and ABIERA, respectively Chief, Station Division and Supervising Transportation Development Officer of Metro Rail Transit-3.

The webinar was interspersed with question and answer sessions with the various participants who took part in the event.
With an overall score of 9, the webinar was unanimously appreciated by all participants.

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