25 Mar 2021

IFF had the great pleasure to welcome Mr. Jean Baptiste DJEBBARI, French Minister Delegate for Transport, who was on an official visit to Morocco on 25 March. He was accompanied by Mrs. Hélène LE GAL, Ambassador of France.
The delegation was welcomed by Mr. Med Rabie KHLIE, General director of ONCF, the members of the supervisory board and the management board of IFF.

This visit allowed the delegation to discover the Institute, a few days before the 6th anniversary of the very first training sessions (30 March 2015).

The digital transformation of IFF and its international development were at the heart of the discussions. The future Digital Lab of IFF, designed to facilitate the design and delivery of online courses or e-learning, was presented.
A brief exchange with trainees from Gabon (SETRAG driving team leaders, in training for 5 weeks) confirmed the international anchoring of IFF.

The visit of the practical rooms (non-destructive testing, rolling and braking components, telecom and IP) was an opportunity to discuss the complementarity between theory and practice / distance and classroom learning.

Finally, the delegation discovered the driving simulator, where OUIGO TGV drivers, who had come from Spain to learn the basics of high-speed driving, are currently practising.

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