27 May 2022

From 23 to 27 May, IFF was pleased to welcome trainees from 5 African railway companies from 3 countries for a session dedicated to safety management.
Whether they come from Gabon (SETRAG and COMILOG), Senegal (SETER, GTS-SA) or Morocco (ONCF), the trainees were keen to learn the fundamentals of safety management, led by an expert in the field, Ms BERRAK.
Beyond the simple fact of following a course on this theme, the group was able to compare and share various experiences, and to discuss the practices of each company. The enthusiasm of the group was noted by Mame Samba NDIAYE, General Manager of Grands Trains du Sénégal, who shared a short training session with the trainees during his presence at the IFF, where he met with the Institute’s management.
In addition, the week will continue with the discovery by the trainees of the IFF premises, in particular the practical workshops and the latest generation driving simulator. Meetings are also planned with ONCF officials on safety-related subjects.
Promoting sharing through international exchanges on subjects common to the railway system is one of the strengths of the IFF, which is the result of Franco-Moroccan cooperation and has been operating in Morocco for seven years now.

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