20 Oct 2022

From 17 to 20 October 2022 in Tunis, IFF participated in the 2ND AFRICAN RAIL DIGITAL CONGRESS, co-organised by the International Union of Railways (UIC), the African Union of Railways (UAC), and the National Company of Tunisian Railways (SNCFT).
Held under the theme: “Accelerating Digital Transformation in Africa: what are the challenges for railways?”, this second edition is part of the “Agenda 2063” drawn up by the African Union Commission (AU). Its ambition is to strengthen connectivity between the countries of the African continent and to identify opportunities for the realisation of mega-projects promoting digital transformation in the railway sector in Africa.

Mr. A. EL HACHIMI, Head of Planning and Pedagogical Resources at IFF, took part in the plenary session of the congress to present “IFF@DIGITAL”, the digital transformation project initiated in 2020 by the Institute.
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