19 Apr 2021

From 01 March to 15 April 2021, the IFF welcomed 15 future SETRAG driving supervisors.

Built on 12 training modules, this 45-day training alternated classroom lessons, practical work on a driving simulator and field trips (visit of safety and signalling installations, visit of the Rabat regulation centre).

Through this training, the trainees were able to develop their skills in train dynamics, Railway Safety Management, driver support, ERTMS / ETCS, as well as team management and first aid / fire fighting.

With an overall satisfaction rate of 93% on this tailor-made course, the trainees expressed their experience of the training through very positive comments:

“During our training, we dealt with safety from a technical and managerial point of view. In addition, the new knowledge acquired has increased the area of individual competence. In this way, we will be able to act as a channel of communication between our superiors and the employees for whom we are responsible, in the interest of improving or maintaining technical and safety performance, but also of gaining the commitment of these employees. All in all, this training has been very lucrative for everyone and we would like to see this fruitful partnership between SETRAG and IFF continue. “. IBINGA KAREL EULOGE, Operations Engineer at SETRAG.

“I would like to recommend this training to other managers because it will be beneficial to their railways if they rigorously apply the management, support and risk management methods transmitted. “Pricillia NDONGO NGUIA NOELLE, head of traction at SETRAG.

To mark the end of the group’s training session, IFF organised a debriefing meeting. And proceeded to the symbolic handing over of a final certificate to those concerned. This ceremony took place in the presence of Mr. Jean Robert AVATOLI, HR Director of SETRAG, as well as members of the Management Board and IFF employees who contributed to the successful organisation of the course.

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