15 Dec 2022

On December 12 and 13, IFF participated in the 2nd edition of the ONCF/EMI open science workshop on the theme of “Transport safety and human factors” organised at the railway club in Rabat.
This event, organised in collaboration with the EPSF (Etablissement public de sécurité ferroviaire), the Université Gustave Eiffel and the National Road Safety Agency – NARSA, aimed to foster multidisciplinarity and collaboration between researchers and transport operators in order to provide a vision of future trends concerning the role of man in transport safety.
It is in this sense that Mr. Karim Eddine CHENNOUF, Chairman of the Board of Directors of IFF intervened with a contribution entitled “LGV Morocco: a successful model for the transfer of skills”. A guided tour of IFF was also part of the workshop programme.
The event was also attended by participants from the various transport sectors (road, air, sea and rail), namely ONCF, SNCF, UIC, Royal Air Maroc, etc.
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