13 Oct 2021

On 12 October 2021, a ceremony was held at IFF to celebrate the awarding of the ISO 21001 Certificate, a standard relating to the management systems of education and training organisations.
The ceremony took place in the presence of the Director General of Grands Trains du Sénégal (GTS), accompanied by the Cabinet Director of the Secretary of State for the railway network – on a visit to IFF, as well as the Directors of SETER (Senegal) and SETRAG (Gabon), who were receiving training at IFF.

After the opening words pronounced by the members of the IFF management board, Mrs. Lilia LAHLOU, General Manager of AFNOR MOROCCO, congratulated all the teams for the result obtained and for the quality of the processes set up by IFF.

Mr. Mohammed SMOUNI, Deputy General Director of ONCF and Mr. Diego DIAZ, President of SNCF International, representing the Institute’s Supervisory Board, presented the quality management certificate to the members of the IFF Board of Directors in front of the guests of honour and the IFF staff. Afterwards, trophies and souvenir photos were presented to the IFF collaborators to thank them for their commitment to the IFF’s certification process.

Symbolically, the Supervisory Board unveiled the plaque attesting to the AFAQ ISO 21001 “Teaching and Education” certification, which now adorns the entrance to the Institute.
Awarded by AFNOR, this certificate crowns the efforts of more than 18 months of work during which all the teams mobilised to demonstrate their commitment to offering all the trainees quality training, guaranteed by robust, formalised processes guided by a concern for continuous improvement.
For the entire team, this happy event is a major element in the recognition of the IFF as a partner of choice. It is indeed a great moment of satisfaction and recognition for the institute as well as for its employees, trainers, trainees and partners.

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