13 Jul 2021

Saturday 10 July 2021 marked the end of training for GTS-SA trainees (Senegal) who were welcomed on 5 July as part of the upgrading of a dozen train drivers and assistant drivers.
With an overall satisfaction rate of 100%, the trainees expressed their experience of the training through very positive comments:
“This training has raised our awareness, it has given us a good orientation with the material, the environment and the structuring of the personnel … we are satisfied and proud”;
“…For my part, I really appreciated the way the trainers taught. I take my hat off to you. Congratulations to Mr KINANA and Mr Feriani. You have done a titanic job in so few days, long live IFF of Morocco”.
To mark the end of the group’s training session, IFF organised a ceremony in honour of its trainees and proceeded to symbolically hand over a certificate to those concerned.
This ceremony took place in the presence of Mr. Christophe MARTIN, DG of the IFF, as well as IFF employees and trainers who contributed to the good organization of the course.

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