18 Oct 2021

From 11 to 15 October, IFF had the pleasure of receiving a delegation from Grands Trains du Sénégal (GTS) led by Mr. Samba NDIAYE, Director General, accompanied by Papa Malick SAMB, Director of Operations, and Adam KANDJI, Director of Safety, Innovation and Quality Studies (DESIQ).
The Delegation was accompanied by Mr. MAMADOU DIA, Director of Cabinet of the Secretary of State in charge of the Senegalese railway network.

The programme of this visit included a general presentation of the Institute followed by a discovery of the IFF premises, in particular the digital Lab, the practical work rooms, the educational models as well as the latest generation multifunctional driving simulator.

The visit was completed by two field visits: the Al BORAQ maintenance centre in Tangiers and the locomotive maintenance workshop in Meknes.
This visit is part of a cooperation between IFF and GTS, following the training last July of a dozen drivers and assistant drivers for a one-week refresher course on a driving simulator.
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