23 Oct 2023

IFF welcomes 60 trainees in the equipment field from 5 companies in Africa and Europe (ONCF, SNCF, CFL Cargo, SETER and SIANA) as part of the MA 13 training course: “Introductory session to equipment techniques (SITM)”.

The aim of this 9-day course is to master the principles governing the technical and technological choice of rolling stock.
It alternates face-to-face and remote lectures in Rabat with field trips to various railway maintenance workshops in Tangiers and Casablanca.

This session was characterised by trainees from a variety of backgrounds, which encouraged exchanges and the sharing of experience:
“Thank you to the IFF for organising this training course, which was very informative and enabled us to see all the technical aspects of a train” – SNCF participant.
“A big thank you to the trainers for their professionalism and the quality of their presentations”- ONCF participant.

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