27 Nov 2023

A look back at the closing session of the KORAIL Learning Expedition organised in France by the IFF from 13 to 17 November 2023.
🎯 This 5-day experience aimed to share SNCF’s experience with the KORAIL group in order to obtain keys to understanding high-speed and conventional rail production and the associated marketing policy.🚆

It alternated between different training sessions and conferences in Paris and Lille, complemented by field trips to Paris Nord station, the CNOF (Centre National d’Exploitation Ferroviaire) and the Centre de Production Opérationnelle (COP) in the Hauts-de-France region.

To mark the end of the session, Anne Rolland, Head of International Synergies at SNCF, presented the certificates to the participants in the presence of Inchul Beom and Heyjoo Noh from the Korail Paris Representative Office, and remotely with the members of IFF Management Board.

With a satisfaction rate of 83%, the training course was unanimously appreciated by all participants, as shown by their comments:

“I was able to compare the way similar industries operate. I was particularly interested in comparing rail operating methods in different environments.” .
“Through this Learning Expedition, it seems possible to take references for improving the management of the KORAIL company”;
“It was interesting to study the operating methods of railway companies abroad.“

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