06 Sep 2022

FF was pleased to welcome Mr. Christian MAGNI, General Manager of the operating company of the Transgabonais SETRAG (Gabon), as part of a professional visit he was making to Morocco from 11 to 18 August 2022.

On the agenda, Mr. MAGNI was welcomed at the ONCF headquarters by Mr. Mohammed SMOUNI,Deputy General Manager ONCF, accompanied by Mr. KHAIRANE and Mr. RHROUDI (Infrastructure Division), Mr. ABDELMOUMEN (Equipment Division) and Mr. ABOULFARAJ (Strategy and Cooperation Department), as well as Mr. CHENNOUF and Mr. EL HACHIMI (IFF), the opportunity to review the ONCF/SETRAG partnership and to evoke the future perspectives of this cooperation.

On return to IFF, a meeting was held with the SETRAG track district managers in training at IFF, during which a summary of this training was presented to Mr MAGNI with the intervention of each of the trainees on the course of the training and the knowledge that could be applied on return to Gabon.

The following part of the programme took place in Rabat, Tangiers and Casablanca to discover the maintenance workshops for high-speed trains, track maintenance sites, Moroccan railway maintenance and traffic facilities as well as the visit of the Société Chérifienne des Industries Ferroviaires (SCIF).
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